A Comprehensive Guide to Making Council Disrepair Claims in 2024


January 17, 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Making Council Disrepair Claims

In 2024, the council disrepair claim process has been made smoother and easier for tenants in the UK. It is fairly understandable that living in a council-owned property with disrepair issues can be frustrating and stressful. 

Nevertheless, understanding the process of making a claim in 2024 is crucial for tenants in the UK. Making council disrepair claims in 2024 requires proactive documentation, knowledge of updated regulations, and seeking legal advice if necessary. 

This comprehensive guide, updated with 2024 regulations, takes you through a step-by-step process to navigate the intricacies smoothly. Let us help you navigate the process effectively and advocate for your right to live in a safe and well-maintained home.

Step-by-Step Guide to Council Disrepair Claim in 2024

Equipped with the knowledge of your rights and responsibilities, let’s delve into the practical actions you can take to file council disrepair claims in 2024. This detailed roadmap, from documenting the disrepair to navigating legal options, lays out the clear path to reclaiming your living standards. So, without further ado, let us dive straight into it:

1. Document the Disrepair Issues

Before embarking on the journey to council disrepair claims, it’s crucial to gather evidence meticulously. Consider this the foundation of your claim, where every photograph, note, and date becomes a brick, strengthening your case. 

Let’s delve into the essential elements of documenting the disrepair, ensuring your voice is backed by undeniable proof: 

  • Photographs: Capture clear, dated photos of each issue from multiple angles.
  • Detailed Notes: Describe the nature, location, and impact of each issue.
  • Dates: Record the first observations and reporting dates.
  • Affected Items: List any possessions or personal items affected.
  • Correspondence: Include communication with the council about the issues.

2. Inform the Council About Disrepair

Armed with your documented evidence for filing a council disrepair claim, it’s time to notify the council officially. Remember, open communication is key. You need the communication evidence as well, so be very mindful of how you communicate them. 

Here’s what you need to know about utilising formal channels, keeping track of interactions, and ensuring your initial report sets the stage for effective progress.

  • Formal Channels: Use dedicated online reporting systems or helplines.
  • Record Communication: Note down reference numbers, dates, and key points.
  • Outline Issues: Clearly state all disrepair problems in your initial contact.
  • Confirmation: Request and record acknowledgement of your report.
  • Follow up: Don’t hesitate to follow up if there’s no response within 15 days.

3. Allow Reasonable Time for Repairs

While you’ve initiated the process, patience is vital. This section guides you on establishing clear timeframes for repairs, keeping track of communication and temporary solutions, and knowing when to follow up for action if delays become unreasonable politely.

It’s also important to provide the councils with any accessibility information to have the disrepair fixed – and timely! 

  • Clarify Timeframe: Discuss expected repair timelines during your initial contact.
  • Document Communication: Keep records of any information received about repair schedules.
  • Interim Solutions: Note any temporary repairs offered by the council.
  • Follow-up for Delays: Contact the council for updated schedules if repairs are delayed excessively.

4. Seek Legal Advice (Optional)

Navigating legal options can be daunting, but having access to informed guidance can empower your council disrepair claim. You must remember that you would need to have certain things ready, for example, disrepair evidence, damage evidence, communication evidence and more. 

The process of seeking legal advice and help is pretty straightforward and explained briefly as follows:

  • Specialised Solicitors: Research and contact solicitors with expertise in housing disrepair.
  • Provide Evidence: Share all your documentation and evidence with your solicitor.
  • Discuss Options: Understand potential legal actions, their strengths, and associated costs.

5. Document Correspondence with the Council

Communication is a two-way street, especially considering the council disrepair claims. This section emphasises the importance of maintaining a meticulous record of every interaction with the council. 

From emails and letters to phone calls, keeping a detailed log highlights key points, agreements, and the individuals involved, ensuring clarity and accountability throughout the process.

  • Organise Records: Maintain a chronological file of emails, letters, and phone call notes.
  • Highlight Key Points: Note promises and commitments made by the council.
  • Record Details: Include names and positions of council representatives you communicate with.

6. Obtain an Environmental Health Inspection (Optional)

While not always necessary, an environmental health inspection can add significant weight to your council disrepair claims in the UK. 

Here’s how to request an inspection, effectively communicate your concerns, and leverage the official report as valuable evidence if legal proceedings become necessary.

  • Contact Local Department: Request an inspection for your property from Environmental Health.
  • Specify Issues: Clearly explain the disrepair concerns to the officer.
  • Detailed Report: Obtain a written report outlining the findings and any health hazards.
  • Use as Evidence: Include the report as part of your evidence for repair claims or legal proceedings.

7. Pre-Action Protocol in Council Disrepair Claim

Before taking legal action, the pre-action protocol offers a structured approach to resolving disputes. You can read more about the pre-action protocol. 

This section guides you through understanding the protocol, drafting a formal letter outlining your concerns and desired resolution, and clearly expressing your intent to pursue legal action if needed.

  • Familiarise Yourself: Understand the Pre-Action Protocol for Housing Disrepair Cases.
  • Formal Letter: Draft a letter to the council outlining the issues, actions taken, and desired resolution within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Express Intent: Clearly state your intention to pursue legal action if matters are not resolved satisfactorily.
  • Send Traceable: Use recorded delivery to ensure receipt and proof of communication.

8. Mediation or Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) (Optional)

Seeking amicable solutions should always be considered. Here, we explore the requirement of expressing your willingness to engage in mediation. 

There is a significant role of your solicitor in this step and open communication is encouraged. You also must document any agreements for future reference. Following are the important ADR factors in a council disrepair claim process: 

  • Express Willingness: Inform the council you’re open to mediation to resolve the issues amicably.
  • Solicitor’s Assistance: Seek your solicitor’s guidance in coordinating the mediation process.
  • Open to Compromise: Be prepared to discuss solutions and make reasonable compromises.
  • Document Agreements: Keep a record of any agreements reached during mediation for future reference.

9. Initiate Court Proceedings (Last Resort)

Should all other avenues fail, legal action may be necessary. This section emphasises the importance of consulting your solicitor to determine the appropriate court and documents. 

When you are adhering to legal procedures, you are responsible for ensuring your evidence is well-organised, and being prepared to present your case in court confidently.

  • Solicitor Consultation: Consult your solicitor to determine the appropriate court and necessary legal documents.
  • Adhere to Procedures: Follow court guidelines and deadlines for filing documents and attending hearings.
  • Organise Evidence: Ensure all evidence and documentation are organised and ready for submission.
  • Court Hearings: Be prepared to attend court hearings, present your case, and answer questions confidently.

Initiate Court Proceedings

Beyond the Steps of Council Disrepair Claims in the UK

While the steps outlined above provide a solid framework, navigating council disrepair claims can sometimes present unique challenges. 2024, without a doubt, presents the claimants with a smoother and straightforward process. 

Nevertheless, here are some additional pointers to consider and strengthen your council disrepair claim in the UK in 2024: 

Common Obstacles and How to Handle Them?

While the steps provide a steady course, be prepared for potential roadblocks. Here’s how to effectively tackle common hurdles like council delays, liability denials, and tricky compensation negotiations. 

Your housing disrepair solicitor is obliged to turn the roadblocks into stepping stones towards your desired resolution. Common obstacles include the following: 

  • Council Delays: If the council fails to address repairs within a reasonable timeframe, document all communication attempts and consider escalating the issue to their complaint-handling protocol or independent housing agencies.
  • Refusal of Liability: Councils may try to deny responsibility for certain repairs. Gather evidence to support your claim, such as tenancy agreements, maintenance records, or expert reports. Legal advice can be crucial in such situations.
  • Compensation Negotiations: Negotiating fair compensation for rent reduction or damage caused by disrepair can be tricky. Research average compensation levels and consult your solicitor for guidance.

Common Obstacles and How to Handle Them?

2024 Makes Council Disrepair Claims Easier

Breathe a sigh of relief! Navigating disrepair claims in 2024 comes with welcome changes. Discover how stricter timelines, improved communication, and adjusted compensation levels empower you to pursue your claim with greater ease and effectiveness.

  • Reduced time frames: Councils now have stricter deadlines to respond to complaints and complete repairs.
  • Improved communication: Councils must keep tenants informed of the progress of repairs.
  • Increased compensation: Compensation levels for rent reduction and damage to belongings have been adjusted for inflation.


You are not alone in this struggle. Equip yourself with persistence, knowledge, and the resources outlined here. As you navigate this process, be assured that your determination and proactive approach will pave the way to a satisfactory outcome and a safe, comfortable home.

Making a successful council disrepair claim often requires persistence and determination. Don’t be discouraged by delays or setbacks. Furthermore, you should familiarise yourself with your rights as a council tenant under legislation and other relevant legislation. This knowledge empowers you to advocate for yourself effectively.


Navigating council disrepair claims in 2024 may feel like climbing Mt. Everest, but fear not; you don’t have to tackle it alone. Remember, you are equipped with the knowledge and tools in this guide – and the support of My Disrepair Claims.

My Disrepair Claims understands the complexities of these situations and offers expert guidance, from initial documentation to legal representation if needed. Our team of compassionate professionals can help you navigate the process with confidence.

Don’t let disrepair dim your sunshine. Take the first step today. Visit My Disrepair Claims website or call their friendly team for a free consultation. Remember, you’re not alone. We are always here to help!

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